The calendar of the festivities that take place in Serri is full of appointments, important occasions for the preservation of identity and tradition.
Here are the most important events:
16th and 17th January, Festa di Sant’Antonio Abate
19th e 20th January, Festa di San Sebastiano Martire
2nd February, Festa de sa Candelora
Easter Season, Riti della Settimana Santa
Second Sunday 0n May, Festa di Sant’Isidoro
Third Sunday on May, Festa e Fiera di Santa Lucia
24th June, Festa di San Giovanni Battista
Second Saturday on July, Rassegna del Folclore
Second Saturday on August, Festa dell’Emigrato
31th August and 1st September, Festa di San Basilio Magno, Patrono
10th e 11th September, Festa di Santa Vittoria
Third Sunday on September, Festa e Fiera di Santa Lucia